At Truro Primary School teaching and learning programs are developed by teachers using the Australian Curriculum. The following areas of study are taught and reported on for each year level:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • The Arts
  • Health & Physical Education (HPE)
  • Languages – Japanese via Open Access
  • Technologies
  • Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS)

Staff at Truro Primary School differentiate the curriculum to cater for individual needs, allowing your child to progress at their own rate. Areas of study are often integrated allowing students to make real-world connections through learning experiences and work collaboratively in multi-year level settings.

Music Lessons

At Truro Primary School students have access to private music lessons by qualified, professional non-staff teachers weekly. Instruments include drums, piano and guitar.


Student in years 4-6 are given opportunities to participate in SAPSASA (SA Primary Sport Association SA) sports throughout the school year. Truro Primary School has strong connections with the Truro Takers Basketball Club, as a result we have students participate in SAPSASA District Basketball Carnival each year.

Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum

 The Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum (KS:CPC) is required for all students in our school. It’s taught each year by the Health & PE teacher, integrated within the Health curriculum. Some aspects of CPC is also integrated in Technologies through our cyber safety program. Teachers who teach CPC have completed a full-day KS:CPC training course.  

It teaches children to: 

  • recognise abuse and tell a trusted adult about it 
  • understand what touching is appropriate and inappropriate  
  • understand ways of keeping themselves safe. 

Visit Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum information for parents and carers for more information.